Vox Guitar FX
Vox On-board/Built-in Effects Schematics, Repair, Tips & Tricks
I've had a lot of requests for these schematics as well as international requests to ship the guitars for repair. I don't necessarily think it's a good idea to be shipping guitars made in 1967-68 around the world. So I finally transferred my hand drawn schematics in to nice vector drawings so you can download and print them out to help get you going again. If you don't feel capable of servicing your own effects, please consult a local tech, and please feel free to share any of the information here.
These schematics apply to pretty much ALL Vox guitars AND basses with built-in/onboard effects. Yes, Vox used the same "Treble/Bass Booster", and "Distortion" circuits in both their guitars and basses.
Models covered: Starstream, Ultrasonic, Grand Prix, Delta, Apollo, etc....
More detailed information on FX service, the UK Phantom Special FX, and some very useful modifications to make the effects more user friendly coming soon.....

Starstream V269 original 1968 Thomas Organ Service Information fold-out pamphlet. This is a high resolution wiring diagram and exploded parts diagram.
Schematics are below. If you drag and drop them to your desktop, they should print ~sized for 8.5"x11" paper. Scroll down below the schematics to view service tutorial videos. For service parts just email us at acidfuzz@acidfuzz.com